In “Beat Saber VR – Step by Step Guide”, you get an overview of what Beat Saber is, how the game works and what settings can help you get the most out of your experience as a beginner. A simple guide to help you get started with the game in the best way.
What is Beat Saber VR?
Beat Saber is a rhythm-based VR game that combines exercise, music and pure entertainment. The game is developed by Beat Games and is available on several VR platforms, including Meta Quest (Quest 3, Quest 3S, Quest 2 and others), PlayStation VR and SteamVR. It is one of the most popular VR games and has been praised for its simple but engaging gameplay mechanics. For those who want some special music or simply need variety, there are different music packages you can buy, you buy them where you buy your game.
Is Beat Saber for you?
Beat Saber is a perfect game for those who like music and want to combine fun with physical activity. The game is easy to get into, but also offers great challenges for those who want to immerse themselves. With its great mix of exercise and rhythm, it’s easy to see why Beat Saber has become one of the most popular VR games on the market.
My own first experience with VR was Beat Saber. I still remember the cool feeling that filled me when I for the first time made it through an entire course without a single miss. If I could choose a game today, many years later, that I would recommend to everyone, I wouldn’t hesitate for long, Beat Saber is a must have and a game I return to often.
Not only is Beat Saber a game that combines exercise, music and pure entertainment. Beat Saber is also a game for everyone, for all ages and for the whole family, for beginners and for professionals. Everyone can have fun and play on their own terms. In this step-by-step guide, you’ll learn what Beat Saber VR is, how the game works, and tips on settings to get the most out of the experience as a beginner.
What is Beat Saber VR?
In Beat Saber, you stand in front of a track where blocks travel towards you in time with the music. Each block has an arrow indicating which direction to hit to smash it. There are two colors of blocks: red and blue, which match the color of the two light sabers you hold in the game (usually red for left and blue for right). On top of this, you have to avoid various obstacles by ducking and leaning, which provides a full-body workout!
Getting started with Beat Saber VR – Step by Step
This guide for Beat Saber is made in image and text to make it easy to recognize yourself in the game.
The first thing you see when you open the game is a safety message. I would encourage you to take the time to read through this.

In the next step, you will see a screen with five different boxes in front of you. Here, click on SOLO to move on.

When the next screen opens, it can seem quite confusing, you see several screens at the same time. But we’ll take it step by step and I’m going to start by explaining what it is you see if you turn your head to the left. Here you will find “Modifiers” where you can change the difficulty level of your game.
In Modifiers you adapt the game to the level you are at
If “Modifiers” is not selected, click on that tab. Now you can for example choose No Fail to not lose lives because you make mistakes, you can turn off so you avoid bombs and walls. You can also turn off the arrows (No Arrows) in the blocks. If you use No Arrows, it is enough that you hit the blocks, you do not have to worry about hitting them in a specific direction. If you are a beginner, my tip is to use No Fail for a while and maybe also No Arrows.

Now that you have chosen which obstacles you want to remove, look straight ahead. You will then see a picture where at the top you see a vertical row with the albums you have access to (OST VOL. 1, OST VOL. 2, etc.) Below that, to the right, you have a box where the name of the album is now written, we will look at this in more detail in the next step. On the left, on the other hand, you have a list of the songs that are in the album you selected. Select a song here before moving on to the next step.

Select game mode and difficulty level
Once you have selected a song, you will see the box on the right change. You are now presented with your selected song and the options you can choose for that song.
You will find a row of slightly different game modes illustrated in symbols, you can for example play with two sabers (normal), one saber, 360 and others. Of course you should try them all but initially I recommend playing with two sabers.
Below this you will see the difficulty levels you can choose. There are 5 difficulty levels, however, not all are available on all songs. As a beginner, it is advisable to choose songs where the difficulty levels Easy or Normal are available.

You are ready to start the first round of Beat Saber
Now you have chosen which obstacles you want to remove, you have chosen the song. selected the two-sword game mode and chosen the difficulty level. Now only one thing remains, to press PLAY.
Using customized grips for a better gaming experience
For better immersion and control in the game, you can use special grips designed for Beat Saber VR. These grips mimic the feeling of holding real lightsabers and they enhance the experience and improve the precision of your movements. You can find Beat Saber grips with us at VRGaming. A perfect addition for both beginners and more experienced players who want to take their Beat Saber experience to the next level. These grips are available for Meta Quest 3S, Meta Quest 3, Meta Quest 2 and Meta Quest Pro.
Little tips along the way
- If you meet a wall, you need to move. Sometimes sideways and sometimes you need to duck, depending on what the wall looks like.
- If bombs come your way, you need to keep your lightsabers away from them.
- The blocks come in time with the music, it helps if you feel the rhythm in your body and move in time.
Are you ready to master the rhythm?
We at VRGaming hope that “Beat Saber VR – Step by Step Guide” has inspired you to try Beat Saber. As a beginner, you’ll quickly learn the basics, and the game will constantly offer new challenges as you progress. Start the game, take in the music, grab your lightsabers and start the journey – Beat Saber is waiting for you!
3 quick questions about Beat Saber
Beat Saber är ett rytmbaserat VR-spel som kombinerar träning, musik och ren underhållning. Spelet är utvecklat av Beat Games och finns tillgängligt på flera VR-plattformar, inklusive Meta Quest (Quest 3, Quest 3S, Quest 2 m.fl.), PlayStation VR och SteamVR. Det är ett av de mest populära VR-spelen och har hyllats för sin enkla men engagerande spelmekanik.
Beat Saber är ett spel för alla, för alla åldrar och för hela familjen, för nybörjare och för proffs. Alla kan ha roligt och spela utifrån sina egna förutsättningar. Med anpassade grepp för Beat Saber blir spelet ännu roligare. Du hittar Beat Saber grepp till ditt VR-headset hos VRGaming.
Genom att följa vår steg för steg guide får du hjälp att förenkla Beat Saber till en nivå som är lagom för dig. Att kunna anpassa spelet för varje spelare är en av de stora fördelarna med Beat Saber, alla kan delta på sin egen nivå. Du hittar guiden HÄR